4 Shocking Reasons Why 85% Aspirants Fail To Crack NEET-UG
1. Not Practising Lots of Questions
All the knowledge in the world will prove useless in NEET-UG if you are unable to apply your knowledge to the questions asked. NEET examination test your ability to apply what you have learnt something that must be developed and refined over time.
Accordingly, it is crucial, that you complete as many practice questions as possible under exam conditions.
Accordingly, it is crucial, that you complete as many practice questions as possible under exam conditions.
By solving 1000s of questions on a Topic/Chapter, you come to realize your strength and weaknesses. This is the only way you can keep improving your scores in NEET.
Solution – Rather than merely learning and re-learning syllabus, devote the majority of your time in solving questions and making yourself familiar with ALL TYPES of questions related to the Topic/Chapter. This tip alone will increase your chances of reaching a high score by 60%.
2. NOT Learning From Your Mistakes
An important part of your education is learning from your mistakes. This is mostly true for Chemistry and Biology. Students think that these subjects can be done just by cramming up but it is a misconception.
Repeating your mistakes in these subjects can be fatal for your scorecard and can result in you not achieving target marks even by a minor limit. And as you know, Bio and Chemistry are the subjects that get you selected, it is highly crucial to avoid making such mistakes.
Solution – Each time you get a question wrong, go back and consider how else you could have approached the question. Look at the worked solutions and take note of where you went wrong.
Try to repeat these questions at a later date you ensure that you have learned from your mistakes. More importantly, once you find out that you have not understood the concept, try to read it more clearly and make a memory map.
3. NOT Memorizing the Concepts Early
NEET and AIIMS require you to apply your knowledge to solve complex MCQs.
Most of the questions in these exams are Concept-based. A lot of Aspirants keep postponing learning the concepts and keep their focus elsewhere on cramming up the subjects. This simply doesn’t work in case of competitive exams.
Solution – The earlier you start memorising the concepts of the subjects, the sooner you can start doing practice questions. This approach will also provide you with sufficient time to identify and subsequently cover any gaps in your knowledge.
What you want to do ideally is, learn and understand all the conceptual parts in the beginning months and then just practice thousands upon thousands of questions on each chapter until when 2 months are remaining from the exam. This is how you build an unshakable knowledge base.
4. NOT Studying Physics
Competition for medicine and dentistry is tough. One or a few marks in the NEET and AIIMS may be the difference between being awarded a government seat v/s completely missing out.
These difficult areas are what separate the best from the rest. Many aspirants think that biology and chemistry of sufficient to get selected in the exam. This type of thinking can cost you your career. Biology is the most important part of the exam, it is alone not sufficient to get you selected in the exam.
Simply because you cannot do all 90 questions correctly in biology (if you can do that, then forget physics and concentrate only on biology ).
Solution – To maximize your chances of success at least aim for getting 60- 65% marks in Physics. This is difficult but totally achievable.
By focusing on the important chapters and making yourself with all types of questions that come from that chapter, you increase your chances of getting selected exponentially. These are the most common reasons why aspirants fail to crack and even qualify the examination.
By keeping these mistakes in mind and improving yourself in these areas, you can easily achieve your target scores and secure your seat in the NEET and AIIMS exams.
Hope this is helpful!